From Our Experts

The Future of Work: Reducing the Dependence on Employee Institutional Knowledge

Written by Joe Dickman | Aug 24, 2021 6:58:44 PM

We were interested to see the result of the latest PwC US Pulse, which focuses on the future of work. A number of trends have accelerated as a result of the pandemic—especially those related to our work in knowledge management.

These data stood out:

  • Nearly nine in ten (88%) executives say their company is experiencing higher turnover than normal
  • In the next 12 to 18 months, almost half (48%) will change processes to become less dependent on employee institutional knowledge

Here's why:

Sectors that compete heavily on knowledge and agility, such as the insurance industry, have long been exploring the investments and approaches required to reduce knowledge silos. Codifying knowledge in business rules management systems enables more efficient and predictable decision-making, as it:

  • Promotes common understanding of decisions
  • Promotes faster decision-making through a well-defined, consistent vocabulary
  • Avoids the replication of the same decision, which is common when rules are implemented in multiple systems that all need to make the same decision

Before the pandemic, Vizuri published The Knowledge Management Handbook, a collection of articles that covers topics such as how to design for the Knowledge Lifecycle, create an organizational concept of operations, build small domain models, and control knowledge sharing. 

Good luck with your own continued transformation journey, and please let us know if you have any questions as you review our handbook.